Rave Kaiya Hietikko 510 2014-2015: Wednesday: Critque Me

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday: Critque Me

I chose this photo because I just thought that it was cool. My best friend's younger sister is a dancer and we were in Chicago, I thought that the street looked cool and there were some awesome shadows so I just told her to do something from dance and then i snapped the picture. I had to crop it because the zoom on my lens wasn't enough. I like the way the shadow is and the road adds something to it. If I had the chance to take this photo again I would use a better zoom lens, and when I learn to use photoshop I might increase the contrast to make the shadow a lot darker than it is now. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this picture because it is very unique. I think you could of zoomed out a little more but other then that this is an amazing picutre!!
